“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.”

Colossians 3:17

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Thanking Jesus for our business

“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Proverbs 16:3

Father God, You are the foundation stone on which You built this app business. You are our God, the Wonderful Creator of everything that we are and all that we see. How we bless and thank You for sending Your Son to endure the degrading humiliation, cruel suffering and unjust reproach of those He came to save. Thank You for Jesus and thank You for all He endured for our sake, for had He not taken the cruel punishment for our sin, which we so justly deserve, we would be eternally separated from You our Father, and that is too shocking a thought to imagine.

Loving Lord, all we have is Yours and we want to give You the work of our hands. We know that all we have comes from You, and that without You we can do nothing. We want to offer You our business and ask that we would employ integrity, honesty and the values that only come from You.

Lord, we know that unless the Lord builds that house, its builders labour in vain. Lord, watch over all that we do in our work today, and we pray for all those whom our lives will touch today, through this work into which You have placed us. Breathe upon this business and fill it with your mighty presence. Please, Lord Jesus, come direct, shape, mould and take it so that it can be excellent for You. May it be a source of great blessing and goodness to those whom it serves.

May the reign of Your Kingdom be extended in this company. May we be a worthy worker, who has You as the Director of our business and the one that oversees all our activities. Please, Lord Jesus, give us wisdom today in all the decisions we may need to make. May all we do honour Your Holy Name.

Thank You, that our hope is firmly anchored in Jesus and eternally secured to Christ, the Rock of our salvation. We pray that day by day we may hold fast to the blessed hope that is set before us: looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. We know that our Lord Jesus Christ who is both sure and steadfast, faithful and true. We praise and thank You, Father God, for our wonderful hope in Christ, who died for us so that we might have an abundance of hope in this world, and in the ages to come, life everlasting. To Him be all praise and glory, world without end.

Father God, we thank You for the blood of Christ that was spilt so willingly for us, so that sinners such as us, could be washed, cleansed and made whole by the healing stream that flowed from Your heart of love into our wretched life. We thank You for Your amazing love, that Christ my God should die for me. Thank You Jesus!

We await that time when He will accomplish His earthly mission and return to set up His Kingdom on earth, where Israel will become the head and not the tail of the nations and all those that are part of the body will rule and reign with Him, until all His enemies are under His feet.

We confess that we are nothing without You and our trust is in You completely. We pray that day by day we may be washed with the Word so that we become more and more like Jesus and less and less like the person we used to be.

May we become giants in the faith, yet humble in spirit, gentle in heart and willing to listen and learn.

We pray that we may willingly submit to the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives and daily say, “Thy will be done.”

We ask this in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Just remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made & God loves you. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ!

If you have not yet given your life to Jesus, here’s a prayer that will help you devote yourself to God.

Dear God, I come before You today with a humble heart and surrender my life to You. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God and was born free of sin, died on the cross as a payment for my sins, and rose three days later. Today I invite Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour. By faith I receive Your free gift of salvation and eternal life because of the holy sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God, today I repent and turn from my old way of life. Lord Jesus Christ, please come into my heart by Your Holy Spirit. God, I thank You for Your love and calling me Your own. In Jesus Name, Amen.